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Old 04-14-2008, 08:07 AM   #2
Robot Master
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I don't really have it in me to list all my fave gaming moments but I'll try and list the ones off the top of my head.

Chrono Trigger - The battle on Zenin bridge and the rest of the events in 600 AD is always the most magical and epic feeling portion of the game to me. And it helps that Frog is my favorite character.

Final Fantasy III(VI) - I would say the entire game but that would be cheating. In particular, I love
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the battle of Narshe (when you're trying to keep Kefka away from the frozen esper), Sabin's scenario, the floating continent, the opera, the world of darkness
...oh I'll just say the whole game!

Final Fantasy VII - I always loved the part early on when
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you attack the Shinra building and finally make your way out of Midgar.
It has everything from stealth, action, drama, horror, mystery, and suspense. It really builds up the story with so many different events beginning to unfold.

LOTR TTT and ROTK - Two great movie games that really got my adrenaline pumping like never before by really making me feel like I was right there in Helms Deep and Minas Tirath, fending off a seemingly endless army of blood-thirsty orcs and uruk-hai!

Faxanadu - Simply being the nameless hero who comes and travels through the very atmospheric and other-worldly areas of this neglected gem is an unforgettable experience!

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - The rain at the beginning of the game. 'Nuff said.

Super Metroid - The creepy atmosphere of this masterpiece is something that every gamer must experience. My favorite part is landing on Zebes at the beginning.
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After a while of wandering the seemingly deserted planet, you soon realize that you're not alone.

That's all that I can think of for now. I'll try and list more as they come to me.

Last edited by Medikor; 04-14-2008 at 08:10 AM.
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