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Old 04-12-2008, 08:09 AM   #55
Agent: Deep Bloo

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So given the fact that the Winter Olympics are going on, this episode takes place in either 2006, 2002 or 1998.

With 98 being a strong candidate as that was the last time the Winter Olympics were held in Japan and who would be a better a grand marshal of the Nagano Olympics then the PM of Japan?

Or we've jumped into the future and all of this is playing out in 2010.

So in addition to globe trotting some time travel may have also been in play....Which if that is the case that can only mean one thing.....they must have cut out the scene where Coco sneaks into area 51 and steals a highly classified time machine.

Gentlemen we are through the looking glass here.

(This was another post by Taranchula: He thinks about these things so you don't have to.)

PS: I liked this episode, they won me over when they made fun of "The Secret" (AKA The most overrated self help book ever.) which wouldn't have been as successful as it was were it not featured on Oprah.
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Last edited by taranchula; 04-12-2008 at 08:09 AM.
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