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Old 04-11-2008, 06:54 PM   #52
Ditchy McAbandonpants
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Hmmm, that was...interesting.

As I said before, it was nice to see Coco finally get a spotlight episode (I don't really count "Cuckoo For Coco Cards", because that was more of a Bloo episode, or "My So-Called Wife", because she acted totally out of character for most of that one); still, I do somewhat question the decision to make the spotlight so...focused. Coco's a great character, but her (practically) mute, inscrutable nature makes her slightly difficult to base any kind of meaningful twenty minute plot around; I guess they could have taken the Wall-E route and attempted to tell a full story through mime and wordless vocalisation, but given the fast-paced needs of kids' TV, I guess they were always going to take the simpler route of just using her journey as a backdrop for random, colourful mayhem. As such, what we got was a lot of fun to look at, but without anything to really anchor or drive it, it felt a little aimless and without any particular progression, which isn't really acceptable in a full-length 22-minute episode. Indeed, Rob Renzetti's script seems to acknowledge this fact, hence the inclusion of the occasional interludes back at Foster's, but amusing though they were ("Can't talk. Too hungry. Must reserve mouth muscles for chewing" is an excellent Bloo line), I don't think they added anything as framing/contextualising devices, so they didn't quite work for me in the way that they should.

Parts of the episode did hit their mark. When you fling that amount of stuff at the wall, some of it is bound to stick; even though I thought the central "Coconut Conquers Japan" section was cliched and therefore a little grating, the episode was still dotted with amusing sequences and funny moments, such as Coco's fling with the yeti (I too did a minor double-take when I saw them actually sleeping together ), the O Brother-esque chain gang sequence, the homicidal chihuahua, and indeed the show-stopping reggae number. It didn't hurt, either, that this was one of the most visually interesting and dynamically directed episodes to date, standing alongside previous highlights like "Challenge of the Superfriends", "Schlock Star" and "Bloo Superdude". Nevertheless, I can't escape the overriding feeling of lightweight inconsequence that this episode gave off, something the predictable ending did little to help; the whole "oh, no-one even noticed" twist can be a cute punchline when attached to a two- or ten-minute short, but here it felt more like an admission of the episode's fluffy superfluousness, and I guess I was hoping for more at this late stage in the Foster's game...
Well, well, well; if it isn't...
Ditchy McAbandonpants
"Is not dead, despite all external indications suggesting otherwise."

Last edited by Ditchy McAbandonpants; 04-12-2008 at 02:56 AM.
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