Originally Posted by Cassinin90125
Raw shellfish I won't even try. Never mind the fact that bacteria are building small cities on it; it looks like slime and probably has a slimey texture. No thanks, I want my clams breaded and fried.
I've had them once at a sushi place. Trust me, you aren't missing much.
Originally Posted by Cassini90125
Peppers are another least favorite. When raw I can tolerate them in small doses but I really don't much care for the flavor. Cooked peppers are worse; the flavor is unpleasant, the texture is like that of the previously mentioned raw shellfish but softer and slimier, and invariably the skin of the damn vegetable pastes itself to either my gums or the roof of my mouth and nothing short of a fork will dislodge it. I don't want them on my pizza, I don't want them in my soup, I don't want them in my house.
I'm really, really torn on peppers. I hate it on pizza, raw, or cooked, in most forms. However, I love stuffed jalapeno's and the like on occasion, and my aunt makes a fantastic oyster stew on Christmas Eve that has them. That oyster stew she makes is one of the rare occasions where I'll dig in to onions and peppers, if just because they're necessary evils for that stew.
Originally Posted by Cassinin90125
Tapioca, sweet potatoes, tofu, watermelon, eggplant, plantains, etc., don't like 'em, won't eat 'em. By the way, I like celery, but who the hell came up with the idea of using it as a flavor for soda??
I personally like sweet potatoes and watermelon, and especially sweet potato tempura, and I can tolerate tapioca and tofu, and I like a kind of eggplant dish my mom makes. But....celery flavored soda? Are you messing with me?
Originally Posted by Lynnie
I personally have never been able to stomach any type of sea food. The salty fishiness of it, blach! It probably goes back to when I had my first tuna fish sandwich when I was 6, and it made me so sick I, well, brought it back up. I can eat salmon if it's cooked a special way, and sometimes fish sticks with LOTS of tarter sauce, but otherwise, no. No sea food for me.
I personally love fish and, for that matter, most sea food (with a few exceptions I'll mention later). I adore salmon, partially because of the kind of salmon casserole my grandmother would make. That stuff was fantastic. Other than that, another I'm incredibly partial to, being a southern boy, is catfish. Yes, I know they're bottom feeders, and yes, I know they're unappealing looking, but if you find a good cook, you broil them upright, and you maybe stuff them, and you can't tear me away from them for the world.
Originally Posted by Sparky
I have never been able to eat raisins without feeling grossed out. Craisins I tried recently and liked, but both black and white raisins I find revolting. Same with olives, which garners me odd looks considering I'm Italian. I mean, olive oil is awesome, but that's it.
I feel pretty much the same way about raisins and craisins, though I occasionally like white raisins. I'm the exact opposite concerning olives, however. I love olives on their own, but I've never really cared all that much for olive oil.
Originally Posted by Sparky
This topic didn't really need to go into the Spam section, not as long as everyone actually discusses things and doesn't just submit lists.
I wasn't certain how it would go, really, so I thought putting it in Spam would be the safest route. That, and I know I've been skating thin ice lately, so I'd decided it was better to be safe than sorry. Feel free to move it, though. I don't have a problem with that.
Oh, and you're Kiwi bird is awesome, and trust me, that's not a word I commonly attribute to any form of fowl.
Originally Posted by Ridureyu
Shrimp. I don't like the texture nor flavor of shrimp. You can bread them, fry them, put them in cocktails, put them in mayo, whatever. I like Tempura shrimp, but that's an anomaly. Likewise, scallops have to be very good for me to enjoy them
Scallops I can kind of agree with....but
shrimp? I'm sorry, but I really have to disagree. I adore, I mean ADORE, shrimp, in any way, shape or form. Tempura shrimp is good, yes, but again, I'll eat shrimp in any way I can, and I 'll eat them like candy. Them buggers is tasty.
Originally Posted by pitbulllady
There aren't too many things I won't eat, being a Southerner.
Right there with you. Right there with you. Though, have to admit....never had had Mountain Oysters. Are they any good?
Anyhow, to other foods I despise....
My disdain for lobsters isn't the taste, per se (as, honestly, I kind of find the meat bland), as much as it is their very appearance. They look like minor grunt warriors who serve the Great Old Ones, small, armored and weaponized monsters who were apparently poorly thought out so they couldn't really harm us THAT bad. At least, not at first look. You could say that, by eating a lobster, I'm afraid his brethren will hunt me down and flense the flesh from my very bones with their claws.
Not only that, but I want to know who the first person was that looked at those things and said, "You know what? I'm going to eat that." They look like giant, armored insects. I really can't think of why you would look at the thing and decide you want to eat it if you didn't already know what it tasted like.
I dislike crab, too, and pretty much for all the same reasons.
I like strawberry flavoring, but I dislike the fruit proper. They just taste bland to me, by themselves, unless you dip them in something like chocolate.
I really can't bring myself to eat avacados, or any of the bi-products they're used to create.