There aren't too many things I won't eat, being a Southerner. I have to draw the line at organ meats, though, in spite of the fact that things like fried hog brains, tripe(stomach), liver, chicken gizzards and the gonads of male pigs(known as "Mountain Oysters")are popular traditional dishes here. We have a saying when it comes to hogs down here in the South-"Everything but the oink", meaning that's about the only part of a hog that can't, or won't, be eaten by SOMEBODY! My own personal favorite part of the hog is the skin, deep-fried to a crisp, with a light dusting of salt.
A can't tolerate tofu, though. Anything that looks and smells like one of my dogs just puked it up, uh-uh. I also can't force myself to eat boiled okra or raw or boiled oysters(the real ones, from the tidal creeks). If it looks and feels like a bowl-full of snot, no thank you. Oddly enough, I feel the same way about the dark meat of a chicken or turkey, or duck in any form.
The only fruit I just can't stand is bananas. I can't help but to associate the smell and color with a horrible asthma medicine I was forced to take as a child, called "Quibron Syrup", an awful pale yellow sticky glop that contained, among other things, a mild narcotic. My mother would give it to me whether I had asthma or not, insisting it tasted "just like bananas", mainly to knock me out so she wouldn't have to deal with me. It's a wonder I didn't become a hard-core junkie, but the stuff was so nasty I would literally wash my OWN mouth out with soap on more than one occasion just to rid myself of that taste! When the government banned the use of that narcotic, my mother stopped buying that and I started using an inhaler like most asthmatics.