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Old 03-02-2008, 05:26 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
All the evidence presented thus far makes this sounds like a (for lack of a better term) a holdover episode to me.

Which is not uncommon, CN was more then likely saving it so they have something to tide the fans over until the Season Six episodes kick off in the late spring. (Assuming the scheduling is going to be like it was the past two years. Start showing the new episodes in late Spring and finish up in mid-late Fall.)

Given that the average turn around time to complete an episode is about a little over three months*, then once again we are safe to assume this time frame makes sense.

(Correct if I am wrong on that, but I am pretty sure Lauren did say it was about three months.)
Three months, huh? I wondered about the turnaround times myself.

Anyways, I'm not too surprised they'd do an episode with this premise. Hope it's a good one.
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