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Old 02-27-2008, 03:36 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Diamond Duchess View Post
Hey, I've read both the books you guys mentioned! Neat: I thought I was the only one.

Also, about The Fountainhead, Partymember, it's probably an easier read than some of the things out there: It's the length that gets it, with the novel being over 700 pages (in the version I read, anyway). Eh.

On topic: I'm reading Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. It's a short story, but suprisingly filled with subtextual depth, which my class is now digging for as we read.
yeah i really dig Fountainhead.

When you're done with HOD go watch "Apocalypse Now!" the original NOT the "Redux" version.

It follows the HOD storyline in Vietnam. Although i have to warn you it is brutal and bloody and if you dislike either you may want to skip it. Monumental film, though.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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