Wow, that was great, but I honestly can't understand either how someone could get THAT addicted to any game. Video games have always been a major part of my life, all the way back to Super Mario World on SNES. (Which I still have.) And I still play almost on a daily basis, only now I play on Xbox 360 mostly, and I do often get really wrapped up in it and spend hours yelling over Xbox Live and having fun, but if my mom or dad are trying to sleep late at night or need me for something, I always stop or turn down the volume. Yes, I do argue with them every now and then about it, but I NEVER yell or whine like that kid did. (I don't even think I did that when I was younger). I don't have a WoW subscription and I'm not really interested in one, but it's a mystery to me how anyone could get that obsessed with any game, and this is coming from a hardcore gamer. (Of course, he's not the only one. In fact, I've heard that several people have died from playing WoW too much.)
Bloo: "Yes, but on this you punch who you DON'T want to win."
Eduardo: "Oh."
Eduardo: "I like voting."