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Old 01-29-2008, 02:14 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n View Post
And enough about the chemicals already. Technically, everything in your brain is defined by chemicals, but thinking about it just lessens some of the joy in life.
That, or it alleviates some of the pressure.

Erm, don't mind me. I know I'm hardly the most qualified person to be commenting upon the subject of romance. At the time in my life when everybody else around me was panicing about finding themselves a partner, I was too busy fretting about my studies or whether or not the Earth was going to be pulverised by a comet within the next few years.

All in all, I think it's far too subjective a topic for us to be drawing any sound conclusions. If the people who believe very strongly in romantic love have found it in their lives, then I'm very happy for them. I do not, however, view it as the one definitive route toward happiness and completion in life that it's often made out to be. There's more than one way to get fulfilment out of existence.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 01-29-2008 at 03:17 AM.
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