Originally Posted by jekylljuice
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman
I'm now about 2/3 of the way through. Brilliant stuff, it surpasses Northern Lights, I'd say, whilst taking the storyline in a highly intriguing and completely unexpected direction.
Actually, it's painfully obvious by now where the adaptation of The Golden Compass went wrong, for not only did they rearrange a huge portion of the original narrative (clumsily, I might add), but they omitted quite possibly the most powerful and dramatic scene, which takes place at the end of the book. They...er...I...grrrr...I have no idea how they expect to handle things if they're intending to go on and adapt the Subtle Knife.
Well, don't let the Spectres bite.
They filmed the last part of the book. The studio cut it out for fear of turning off audiences cut it out. What's funny is had they actually had left well enough alone and let Chris Weitz go with his original vision the movie probably would've been quite successful And don't worry, you'll never see anything adapted from His Dark Materials on the big screen again. Flop doesn't even begin to cover how much New Line lost from this venture.
For what it's worth I still think they were better with a failed first movie than a franchise that pissed off a ton of people by movie 3.