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Old 01-27-2008, 07:08 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by xxxClaire View Post
I love Cheese! I quote him all the time! He's hilarious!
Originally Posted by MacAttack140 View Post
I luv cheese..... he is so funny that even in everyday sentences i use some of his funnist lines! Also, i have obtained a new form of liking chocolate milk because of him, im serious. One of my favorite times that u see cheese is in the Big Picture when the hallway is filled with chocolate milk and cheese floats past saying: "I like chocolate milk." He gets me every time, that little rascal. Lol!
Originally Posted by BabyCharmander View Post
When I first saw Cheese in CN's commercials I thought "oh holy crap this character looks as annoying as HECK." The first ep I saw with him in it, not counting The Big Picture, was Infernal Slumber, and I actually thought he was pretty funny in that ep. Then I saw The Big Cheese... which... I really didn't like. Then I saw Cheese-A-Go-Go and wanted to SHOOT HIM in that ep 'cuz he gave me the worst headache EVER. Then finally I saw him in Mac Daddy and thought he was okay.

I don't absolutely hate him but I hope they never use him as the main focus for an ep again like in Cheese-A-Go-Go (if that counts) or The Big Cheese. He was perfect in Infernal Slumber.

...Though I don't like him a ton I find myself quoting him a lot. XD; (Mostly "doitagaoindoitagaindoitagain" and "I LIIIIIIKE this game!" and "nothergamenothergamenothergamenothergame" when I feel like yelling something random. XP)

BTW, Ub3rD4n, where did you see Foster's in Japanese...?
Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
I like Cheese, but I think I can get enough of him at some point. I know I've mentioned this before, but I loved Cheese when he first appeared. "Mac Daddy" was one of the best episodes imo, and I know most here agree. His cameo in "The Big Picture" was trivial but I remember first seeing it and yelling "Hey! There's Cheese again! Yay!" I too loved him in "Infernal Slumber", as he actually helped get Terrence back to bed (and I loved it when he clings to his face and says "Quiet doggy!", lol). And also the part when he sucks his whole face in while drinking Coco's smoothie, it was...different. But then "The Big Cheese" came, and he was annoying the living daylights out of me. Sure, some of his lines in that eppie are some of my favorites ("I like fishy crackers!" "Can I have some fishy crackers?" "I LIKE the fair!" "This candy is broken!" "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!" And then of course his list of ailments at the end). But it was "Cheese a Go-Go" that broke the camels back, and he's really starting to annoy me now. The fact that the S2 DVD features Cheese as much as it does sure didn't help. I agree with what's been said earlier, overexposure to Cheese isn't a good thing. He's best only as a secondary character, and the Foster's crew should be very, very careful if thinking of making an episode focusing entirely around Cheese again. I personally would love to see Cheese again, maybe even for the entire length of an episode, as long as he's not the center of the show.
I muti-Quoted everyone because we all are "Cheese-Quoters" "I like Cereal!" Me too Cheese, Me too.

Last edited by drew618; 01-27-2008 at 07:08 AM.
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