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Old 01-26-2008, 09:06 PM   #1314
WiltsAKGirl17's Avatar
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Hairspray, with John Travolta.

God, this movie was amazing. The costumes, the acting, the MUSIC, the make-up, scenery... everything. I bought the soundtrack first and listened to it religously, so I was really expecting something that knocked my pink-with-monkeys-on-them socks off. And I was delivered just that. I HAVE to sing the praises of the make-up artist(s) here-- you could barely tell that Edna Turnblad was John Travolta.

Nikki Blonsky was great, too-- she has one heck of a singing voice and could be an amazing role model-- she's not what most people would consider "pretty" but she aspires to succeed and puts the pretty girls to shame.

Fantastic all the way around.

Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great. ~ Ratatouille
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