Hmm, my thoughts on romance. I believe in romantic love. I think Party stated very well that it's instinctual in most of us for it. For us girls, it's a want/need to nurture and support a guy and be protected. But I believe actual "love" is a choice we make, not just an emotion. There are many emotions that come with it, but I don't see it as an emotion itself. Just look at all the couples who were forced together by their families, or general society, whether it be centuries ago or in this century in a third world culture. Some have never learned to love eachother, this is very true. But others have. They many times had never even seen eachother before the wedding, and yet they learn to love eachother. It was a conscience choice made by both parties. And they both strived to keep it alive and healthy by nurturing their relationship. It also takes some chemistry, which we all know we might not have any control over. At least not without being dishonest to the other person, and even ourselves. So, if you've got the right chemistry, and you can make that conscience decision, then yes, I believe true romantic love exists.