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Old 01-25-2008, 08:36 PM   #1
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Default Your Thoughts on Romance

I'm wondering what the thoughts of some of the people here are on the concept of romantic love.

I personally believe in the concept of love when it applies to friendship. However, I do not believe in the idea that there's such a thing as "romantic" love; that is, I don't believe anymore in the idea that there's someone out there for someone who would genuinely love you like a boyfriend or girlfriend would love you. In many ways, this is because of how bitter my own experiences with the subject are. But, at the same time, we scientifically know that what we call emotions are only the result of chemical reactions in the mind. This could both account for why you could be in love with someone, while at the same time hating another person for another reason, as different chemical reactions occur in regards to those people. Thus, in many ways, we could debate that emotions are simply reactions with no intrinsic meaning except for defense mechanisms (in occurence with those you are told to hate) and procreation (the reason for what is considered "romantic" love).

Those are simply my opinions but, again, I'm simply a bitter old man at the age of 21 on the subject.
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