Originally Posted by pitbulllady
Yeah, that comment about "this is NOT a contact sport, my friend" wasn't directed at Jordan at all, but was really a subtle warning for a player on the opposing team who'd apparently got a bit too physical with Jordan out on the court, and the OTHER Mr. Michaels was getting perturbed about it!
I really hope that they bring Jordan back, though. It would be ashame never to see him again, or even hear him mentioned. Now that we know who created Wilt, and the sort of relationship that they had, and still have, it's just not right to forget the guy. He and Wilt are so similar, it's almost like that "which came first, the chicken, or the egg" question, as to which one influenced the other's behavior the most.
I really would love to see Jordan again. The relationship between Wilt and Jordan was so heartwarming in GWH, and it really should be explored. I mean, Wilt is such a 3D, complex character, Jordan definately (in my eyes, at least) has that same potential to be 3D and complex. Their relationship would definately be a loving one, and I for one would be THRILLED immensely to see Wilt back in a loving relationship with his creator.
Not that Wilt fell out of his relationship with Jordan, by any means. It's just that... Wilt went without Jordan's love, which I personally saw in the flashback scenes of GWH, for several years; if he were given the opportunity to have it back, as in an episode, I just
can't see him not taking it.
The similarity between Wilt and Jordan (not just physically. I do believe that Jordan wore a red, white and blue track suit looking thing, correct?) is uncanny, so I'd like knowing who shaped who.
Someone really should write a fanfic. Hint hint...