Worst Picture
Worst Actor
Jim Carrey (The Number 23)
Worst Actress
Logan Browning, Janel Parrish, Nathalia Ramos and Skyler Shaye (Bratz)
Worst Supporting Actor
Eddie Murphy (Norbit)
Worst Supporting Actress
Nicolette Sheridan (Code Name: The Cleaner)
Worst Screen Couple
Any combination of two totally air-headed characters in Bratz
Lindsay Lohan and Lindsay Lohan in I Know Who Killed Me (TIE!!!)
Worst Remake or Ripoff
Bratz (a ripoff if there ever was one)
Worst Prequel or Sequel
Hostel: Part 2 (The first one was dumb too!!!)
Worst Director
Chris Siverston (I Know Who Killed Me)
Worst Excuse For A Horror Movie
I Know Who Killed Me
I'm surprised they didn't join the "Let's pick on Spider-Man 3" bandwagon.
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