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Old 01-20-2008, 03:21 PM   #14
Executive Weasel Ball
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Originally Posted by koosie View Post
That's the sad thing, in the last series of He-Man I ever saw, Skeletor had gone a bit camp like a 60s Batman villain. Btw have you heard the M&W sketch where Adam goes to the doctor because of a back-strain he's aquired lifting He-Man's Sword to become He-Man? Obviously as He-Man the sword isn't any problem but Adam is of course a regular man not a He-Man.

As regards the Scotch Tape fella, there's an exhibit in the Australian National museum in Sydney very much inspired by that ad.
Really? Oh shoot, I never made the time to go and visit the Australian National Museum during my own such trip Down Under. Hopefully they won't have disassembled that exhibit when I make my much-anticipated return (unlikely to be in the very near future).

That's too bad about Skeletor, but then again I wouldn't exactly deem He-Man the most camp-free cartoon I've ever seen, even in the earliest days. In fact, when I recently caught it again, I wasn't sure whether to react with endearment or disgust at just how overwhelming corny the dialogue and execution all were. What finally charmed me over to the former reaction was how much time Skelly and his sidekicks seemed to spend holding hands with one another, at least in one or two of the episodes I saw. There was clearly a lot of closeness amongst those evildoers.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 01-20-2008 at 03:27 PM.
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