Originally Posted by jekylljuice
True enough. But then again, he does have a remarkably wholesome and well-toned body for a skeleton, which is an impressive enough feat within itself, so naturally he gets my vote.
That may strike you as being somewhat shallow reasoning, as well as a horrible abuse of suffrage, but really, it blew my mind when recently I caught a couple of He-Man episodes for the first time in ages and realised just how amazingly macho that big old bag of bones really was. He's at least got the image nailed down to a tee. Now, if we could just do something about those eerie empty eye sockets...
Actually, can that. I want the Scotch Video skeleton for president (or at least prime minister). No reason why he should be made to die out just because VHS has: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL4obo3oFxc
That's the sad thing, in the last series of He-Man I ever saw, Skeletor had gone a bit camp like a 60s Batman villain. Btw have you heard the M&W sketch where Adam goes to the doctor because of a back-strain he's aquired lifting He-Man's Sword to become He-Man? Obviously as He-Man the sword isn't any problem but Adam is of course a regular man not a He-Man.
As regards the Scotch Tape fella, there's an exhibit in the Australian National museum in Sydney very much inspired by that ad.