Thread: Cloverfield
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Old 01-19-2008, 06:15 PM   #3
Mr. Marshmallow
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
I plan to try to see it, but I'm not sure what the big deal is with it. I've been hearing people going on about it since last Comic-Con. The commercials don't look terribly interesting, imho. Is it the viral marketing that everyone's going nuts over?
More or less yeah. The teaser trailer left so much mystery and left such a tempting piece of footage for viewers, people ate it up. It really was a genius marketing plan. They didn't show anything except the (now) iconic image of the Liberty statue getting its head knocked off, and didn't even have a title yet.

The fact also the movie was filmed entirely in a video camera semi-documentary version helped the film's creativity. The trailers showed you so little but what little they did show you just sucked people in (me included) and the movie was well worth the cryptic hype behind it. It was an incredibly kick ass film.

Its like a real live Godzilla monster movie that puts you literally behind the camera and sees it from a realistic POV. I highly recommend the hell out of this movie.
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