[quote=Medikor;69464]Super Smash Bros Melee. I've been so hyped for SSBB that I decided to play some Melee to pass the time. To my utter horror and dismay, all the screen said was "Game file corrupted". I couldn't believe it... all that work, hours, sweat, tears, and sheer fun put into that game ever since it was released, all gone.
Ugh, the same thing happened to me a long time ago, only my actual memory card got corrupted, so I lost all the data for EVERY gamecube game I had played. I had no idea why it happened, but I had to restart every one of my games from the beginning again. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed and couldn't even look at my games for a week. I still haven't gotten all the data back even today. (And I had practically everything unlocked in SSBM too, except for a few stages.)
Bloo: "Yes, but on this you punch who you DON'T want to win."
Eduardo: "Oh."
Eduardo: "I like voting."
Last edited by CrazyPhil; 01-17-2008 at 09:07 PM.