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Old 01-04-2008, 04:06 PM   #297
The Postmaster

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Originally Posted by Invader Bloo View Post
Here we go:

(List goes here)
Uh dude? Yeah, I only need two turn-ons and one turn-off. Plus the other info noted earlier.

Originally Posted by Bloo2daMacs View Post
I'm assuming that after time passes, and it eventually becomes season two, we will have discovered that the SecuROM meteor has corrupted everything back to day one, and some space aliens from another dimension (AKA the NF members) have decided to take up living on this bizzare planet.
Let's find out...

Foster's Valley - Season One Finale, Conclusion

The entire Valley, in better times:

Foster's is the isolated house north of the center. There were no seasons when this pic was taken, and pets had only recently arrived in the neighborhood. The Valley had it's problems and it's glitches, sure, and it took forever to load, but it was managable. The corruption underlying everything was still there, however, and the arrival of SecuROM only exacerbated the problems:

This can't be good, not in any way. The houses in white must be freezing; the red ones were pulsating, looking like hot coals. It was pretty scary to see, both for me and the residents. One house eventually disintegrated entirely:

Those colors you see are the remains of the carpeting. Cheese, Louise, and their mother Barbara lived here; they moved into Foster's after this happened. This made no one happy, as it was now no longer possible to tell Cheese to go home; he was home. Even the Valley's residents were beginning to suffer the effects:

I've always thought Amanda had an ethereal beauty all her own, but not like this.

Panic began to set in after that. The residents knew they had to get out of the Valley; the problem is, they couldn't. There wasn't anywhere they could go. Downtown was a mess, and the University was closed to adults. Bluewater Village was still untouched but it was far too small to hold everyone. The situation was getting desperate when something new happened; SecuROM pulsed. A wave of energy flowed out of it, looking like the distorted air you see over a hot surface on a summer afternoon. And suddenly, every copying device in the Valley stopped working. Every computer, DVR, whatever, all dead.

"Why?" Frankie wondered aloud. "Why would it do that?"
"That, I believe, is why it is here," Werner answered her. "This alien thing, it's purpose is to prevent copying. Why it would do so, I do not know, but it does not work. I repaired my computer earlier in but a few hours. If SecuROM has come to prevent copying for some reason, it has failed."
Another wave of energy passed through everyone. Madame Foster smiled. "It's refreshing. Everytime it pulses I feel energized, like I've gained back a bit of my youth." She giggled. "Maybe we can learn to live with it."
"She's right, Werner," said Frankie. "It does give me a boost when it does that." She thought for a moment. "It's kinda weird. I mean, I feel refreshed but it takes me longer to do things, like the cooking and the cleaning. Doesn't make any sense, y'know? It's like I'm forgetting how to do things."
"Have you forgotten how to make IT?" Bendy asked, hopefully.
Frankie pointed to the stairs. "Homework. Now."
"Why? I'm just gonna forget it."
Frankie growled at him; Bendy retreated up the stairs.
"Hmm..." Werner grew thoughtful. "I too have felt both energized and forgetful. This means something. I must think on this for awhile. Excuse me for a bit." Werner went home to consult his books, leaving the Foster's crew to wonder what he was thinking about.

The following day, they found out, and it was not good. SecuROM was energizing them because it was aging them backwards. In the process of aging backwards, they were forgetting things they knew; their skills were deteriorating, their relationships were falling apart. Their memories were slowly being wiped clean. Because Sims can reproduce, SecuROM had targeted them as copying devices, and since it's purpose was to prevent copying at all costs, it was slowly forcing them back to childhood, to an age where they couldn't reproduce. But it was doing so indiscriminately; children were turning back into toddlers, toddlers into babies. In just a few more days, babies would be gone; they would have to be born all over again... if some way could be found to stop the process. But there didn't seem to be any way to do that.

"We've got to get out of here!" Frankie screamed. "We can't stop this thing and it's killing us!"
"And where do you propose we run to, Miss Frances?" Mr. Herriman said, his voice filled with anguish. "There's nowhere to go!"
"There may be a way out," Werner replied. All eyes turned to him.
"Well don't just stand there, boy," said Madame Foster. "Speak up!"
"We must move to another neighborhood-"
"Preposterous," Madame Foster scoffed. "There are no other neighborhoods!"
"Hear him out, grandma," Frankie said gently. "He's been right about everything so far."
Madam Foster sat down in a huff. Werner continued. "I will not bore you with the details of my research on parallel universes," he began. "What I will tell you is that I believe there is a place with no name, which is known only by this symbol." He whipped out his notebook and drew "F:". If we can locate a passageway into F:, it is my belief that we will pass through it and find ourselves in another neighborhood, a place free of corruption and SecuROM."
"Balderdash," said Madame Foster. "Where do you come up with these things? You've been spending far too much time with that telescope. Tell me why you believe this nonsense."
So he did. For the next hour, Werner explained everything he knew to Madame Foster and the rest of the house. He was very thorough. By the time he was done, he'd managed to convince her. The problem was, he had no idea where to find the passage to F:. Nor did anyone else.
"I guess all we can do is hope for a sign," was the best Madame Foster could come up with.

(To be continued in the next post... After I moderate the board and answer my PM's. )

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 01-05-2008 at 08:08 AM. Reason: Removed typo.
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