Speaking of getting a holiday-type day off...Back in 1999, nobody really wanted to work on December 31 because of the possibility of rioting (I worked at a theme park in Southern California). I didn't ask for the day off but I happened to get it, which was cool. So a fellow coworker who was frantically trying to trade shifts with someone so she could have the day off asked me what my plans were for the night. I said I planned to stay home because I didn't particularly want to attempt to go anywhere. Know what she did? She went to management and tried to get them to
force me to switch shifts with her, because I didn't have plans and she did therefore she should get the day off and I didn't deserve it. -_- She also made a point of going around and telling
everyone that I was "wasting" a day off instead of being "nice" and switching with her. No, I didn't end up having to work. Why? This lady had such a reputation for being sh***y that when someone did something particularly annoying there it was known as "pulling a Janine."