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Old 12-16-2007, 05:18 AM   #552
Newly Abandoned
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Malaysia
Posts: 48

Well, Sparky. I don't mind the files if they are big or small, but as long as I can get it then I'll be fine. But with Megaupload is always being racist, I'm unable to get it as always. That's the problem.

Don't worry about it, Sparky, I'll get the episodes from time to time. Right now phil is providing the work for me to download and I'm on to it. Here's the updated list which I haven't got the episodes from including the episodes I'm currently downloading.

Old list :

The Buck Swaps Here (downloading from phil)
Say It Isn't Sew
The Bride To Beat (downloading from phil)
Schlock Star (downloading from phil)
Affair Weather Friends (downloading from phil)

Shorts :

Here Kitty Kitty

Emm, phil, you missed out "Say it isn't Sew". Did you forget to upload that episode or you didn't have it at the moment? ???

And the last short above did not collect it when I was checking at Wikipedia, it's an existing short. While "Ed, Edd, Eduardo" does not exist though.



After downloading the episodes from Phil, just a few more episodes. Then it's done, waiting for more to come out by CN.


Updated list :

Say It Isn't Sew

Shorts :

Here Kitty Kitty

Last edited by camper; 12-17-2007 at 12:16 AM.
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