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Old 12-15-2007, 09:22 PM   #1219
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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YES! I am SO glad to hear you liked it Ditchy. I said it before in the best movies of 2007. "Enchanted" was Disney's smartest and most creative live film yet. They took something that could have been so silly and child minded and made it interesting, creative, and well cast into a movie that appeals to all ages.

I think the actors really sold it for me, they all played like REAL living breathing cartoons from the facial expressions to their exaggerated personality quirks. I've heard about sequels and they mentioned it before, I personally would love to see more from this film especially if this film is any indication of what's to come.

I movie I just watched is one I also wanted to mention as I strongly disagree with your comments on the "Pirates" movies. That being said, I just got finished watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and I feel loads better after seeing this movie again because I originally thought I disliked it.

Truth be told, I don't think anyone who has seen the Pirates movies in their entirety can honestly say these sequels were crappy or unnecessary. I'm currently watching all 3 in order and after seeing number 2 again, I've never loved the series more then ever. In truth, you got to bow down to Gore Verbinski.

Imagine the sheer brilliance he has to turn a Disney ride into a multi million dollar franchise, put Johnny Depp back on the map, and create a new classic Hollywood character like Indiana Jones or The Terminator with Jack Sparrow. The Pirates movies are incredible to me in every aspect the music, the characters, the costumes, the stories, and of course: the amazing actors.

Each one brings these new characters a step further from each movie, changing them drastically with new quirks but the same traits. Sparrow and Elizabeth have the absolute best chemistry this time around, their conversations and exchanges about being good/bad I think are the most interesting developmental points. Their conversations were great to watch.

Speaking of great things to watch, I forgot how many awesome sequences this movie packed. The monstrous Kraken destroying the second ship, the excellent 3 way fight between Norrington, Will and Jack on the spinning wheel, and the crazy cannibal island run with the bone cages. But my absolute FAVORITE aspect of this film comes from its greatest new character, Davy Jones.

I didn't think I'd find a better Pirate villain to love after the kick ass Captain Barbossa from part 1, but Bill Nighy signed, sealed, and delivered an incredib;e new character with an unforgettable appearance and cruel personality. I love hearing him say the most basic of lines because Nighy sells it with such flare. I love everything about these movies and if anymore do decide to emerge, they continue to shock and awe me.

Disney has created a whole new movie trilogy universe just like The Matrix, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings has.
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