You know, I'm absolutely terrified about a Watchmen movie, as it's one of my favorite comics ever and was written with the intention of being unable to be turned into a film. If anything, the best medium that could be done for it would be a HBO series of about 12 hour long episodes, one episode for each issue of the comic. There's simply too much to put in for it to work as a 2 or even 3 hour film, and taking away even a bit of the content of the comic immediately hampers the process of the film.
Really, films based on Alan Moore's comics have been extremely hit and miss, and the two I've liked the most, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and V for Vendetta have nearly nothing in common with the original work except for the names of the characters. Really, I'm frightened of a masterpiece such as Watchmen, which is studied in depth in college courses as a literary masterpiece, as getting such a possible treatment as a film.
As for Speed Racer...I was never extremely in to the show, so it never really held all that much interest to me. However, I basically lost all faith in the Wachowski siblings after the last two Matrix films, though V for Vendetta somewhat regained it, despite their villainous treatment of Alan Moore and utter disregard for the way he wished to see his creation presented. I don't have much hope for it.
I really want to see The Dark Knight. Really, that's it so far; that's the only other film I know of that'll definantely be upcoming next year that I have any desire to see.
There is one other upcoming film I want to see, but who knows when it'll come out: and that happens to be the remake of the original Child's Play. Since Don Mancini is going to write it again, as well as direct, I'm having extremely hight hopes for it, if it ever does come to fruition.
Sorry for going to such an old post, but I had to put my thoughts in.
P.S.: Almost forgot Sweeney Todd, though that's coming out this year.