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Old 12-10-2007, 07:45 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
In that case I am declaring that Gooftard, Peas, and every Cheese episode after Mac Daddy no longer exists. Oh, and Dylan Lee got run over by a garbage truck.
Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
And was crippled for life.
And smelled like garbage.

Originally Posted by Ditchy McAbandonpants View Post
Hmmm... I gotta tell you, the whole "fanon" concept has always left me feeling a little uneasy. Naturally, I have no problem with fans isolating, separating and reinterpreting individual parts of a show to suit their personal tastes; that's all part and parcel of how to enjoy a creative work. What I've always been wary of is this perception (so rife amongst the hardcore fanfic-writing/"shipping" community) that the fans' interpretations and ideas are as important/more important than that of the creators themselves, and that it's up to them to influence the creators to produce work that better fits these interpretations. Not only does this suggest to me that said fans have lost track of what they were fans of in the first place, it's a dangerous form of power without responsibility, and it always saddens me when a creator does bow to this kind of pressure, because they always emerge with creative coherence and integrity diminished; the films Spider-Man 3, Star Wars Episode II and the game The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess are three examples of projects that I feel ended up compromised by their attempts to "give fans what they want", rather than sticking to their own creative guns. Don't get me wrong, I'm not holding up "The Little Peas" as a bastion of artistic purity that must protected and cherished; more that I think it best that those who were dissatisfied with the episode deal with it in their own way, rather than starting a pressure movement to have it scrubbed from existence. Because that way lies madness.
You have no idea how strongly I agree with this. In any case, as far as I'm concerned The Little Peas is canon now, by virtue of the fact that it aired. I wish it hadn't, but I will have to live with it.

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