Thread: Wilt
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Old 12-09-2007, 09:26 AM   #1199
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Wilt is one of the few character on the show that we've seen actually undergo real character development. We've seen drastic changes in his personality, from a confident, head-held-high helper in Season One(especially in the pilot), then the "deeper" they "dug" into the character, the more we realized that all wasn't well, that Wilt had some serious issues and was dealing with them in less and less of a good way as time wore on. His lowest, and yet most-interesting, points were in Season Four, prior to GWH, when it seemed clear that whatever demons he was fighting were winning the battle, and that there was something that he was keeping hidden. What little we've seen of him in Season Five, though, seems to indicate that Wilt is finally beginning to heal and find some closure to his unpleasant past; "Nightmare On Wilson Way" really showed a side of him that has probably always been there, but has been repressed out of fear of upsetting someone or making someone disappointed in some way, and now of course we know WHY that's been Wilt's obsession for the past 30 years. Wilt is by far the most down-to-earth, ADULT character on the show, which is one of the reasons he appeals so much to me, personally. I can't really relate to child or child-like characters anymore, and I certainly cannot relate to someone like Bloo, who thrives on chaos. Wilt is someone who embodies positive character traits, in spite of what most people would see as an insurmountable handicap, and that fact that he's overcome anything like that, and never uses it as a "crutch" or excuse not to do something, is reason alone to like him. His voice is very pleasing to hear also, both the pitch and the accent, which is as familiar to me as the scent of Magnolia blossoms and the taste of a home-cooked Southern Sunday dinner. Wilt is like a relic of a by-gone era when MOST people were willing to help others just because it made themselves feel good, not expecting anything in return, and I guess that to someone who lives for the "it's all about ME" credo, as so many people nowadays do, that must seem awfully strange and screwed-up.

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