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Old 11-30-2007, 11:47 AM   #75
At Home
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Michigan
Posts: 117

I'm playing Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Quest. It's an old GBC monster-raising game that is very, very addictive. @___@ For those who haven't played, it's... sort of like Pokemon. Sort of. There are a ton of monsters to recruit (you don't catch them--you give them meat when you find them in the wild and HOPE they want to join you after you beat them in battle) and you can breed them together to get different monsters. What's fun is that every time you breed your monsters the offspring grows to be stronger than the parents. The game also has a plot, but I've beaten it already and am doing the after-game side-quests, while working on a breeding chain to get some more monsters. I have over 150 now, I think...
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