I'm reading the unabridged
The Count of Monte Cristo off and on. I'm a horribly slow reader and I have lots of homework due to it being close to the end of the semester, but I might be able to read it some more over Christmas break.
Believe it or not, I'm reading it for my own pleasure. %D See, in 11th grade I was required to read the abridged version for my English/Lit class and I LOVED it more than any other book I was required to read. It's an EXCELLENT book. It's also a LONG book, but it's excellent nonetheless.
Read it, if you ever get the chance. And... don't watch the movie. Ever. The movie is a disgrace to the book. D: They screwed up the plot SO MUCH. DX I watched it after reading the abridged version and wanted to get up and leave several times due to all the stuff they changed. (I didn't, though. I sat through the whole thing and hated every bit of it. @x)