The Addams Family Values
I can remember renting this movie as a kid and not especially enjoying it - it is, admittedly, a very difficult film to take in when you're young and sensitive, not just because of its decidedly macabre sense of humour, but also the high volume of subtle gags and one-liners which would have gone completely over my head at that age. Only the other evening when Film Four were playing it did I realise just how funny and entertaining it actually is. There are some really great lines and moments (like Morticia's aghast reacation to the ending of
the Cat in the Hat - "Oh no. He lives."

), and Joan Cusack is absolutely awesome as the serial killing antagonist (under slightly different circumstances I think she'd have actually fitted in quite well with the rest of the Addams). Not the best movie ever, but it's still an enjoyably devilish way to pass an hour and a half.