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Old 11-23-2007, 06:38 PM   #1160
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
Yay, Hooray! One of my favorite movies EVER when I was growing up! "Auntie Shrew, Auntie Shrew!" "A Sparkley! I always wanted a Sparkley of my very own!" Oh, and I have always loved that theme song. I figured it would be the perfect lullaby to sing to my baby, should I ever have one. Such a pretty song.
It really was a touching little dark movie, it was sweet and well written and animated. Probably the best Bluth film I've seen, that and Titan A.E. Like i said, I only was letdown the villain was dispatched so quickly and the ending felt a little abrupt. I wished they would have shown more.

Like Justin becoming the new rat leader or something. Mrs. Brisby was such an adorable character, so kind and polite. She's a fine example of a female lead that doesn't need to act like a female Rambo bad ass like the movie version of Tomb Raider to be a good character. Brisby worked out just fine the way she was.

I also got a little annoyed by Jeremy the crow played by Dom Deluise. I like Dom but this character just felt too much like his other roles, Tiger and Itchy. But unlike those two, Jeremy really didn't do anything in this movie. But these are minor things really, this movie really was an excellent animated film.

And the last movie i watched was Ben 10: race Against Time, I left a long ass review in the movie's thread if your curious on my thoughts on it.
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