Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow
The Secret of NIMH
I had always heard bits and pieces of this film and managed to catch a few scenes from it. I thought it was one of those classic toon movies you had to grow up watching or you'd never like/love it as much as adults did.
Boy was I wrong. This was a great film, beautiful animation, classic yet lovable characters who worked out very well. Its dark and so well made, I was really impressed. My only beef is I felt that the ending and the villain's demise were a little rushed.
This film could have lasted to be a bit longer, other then that, this was a
really great movie and I'm SO glad I picked this over watching "Monster House" on demand.
Yay, Hooray! One of my favorite movies EVER when I was growing up! "Auntie Shrew, Auntie Shrew!" "A Sparkley! I always wanted a Sparkley of my very own!" Oh, and I have always loved that theme song. I figured it would be the perfect lullaby to sing to my baby, should I ever have one. Such a pretty song.
N-E-ways, the last movie I watched was
The Muppet's Christmas Carrol
Charles Dickens' classic Christmas story has always been one of my favorites, add the silliness of the Muppets and whamo! A great movie! More nice music in it, too. The ending makes me want to get up and do the jig.