Thread: Cheese
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Old 09-19-2006, 08:43 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
Maybe, even though Louise is never around when Cheese is often causing mayhem... I always imagine conversations between Louise and her Mom to go a little something like this.

Louise's Mom: Honey, where's cheese?

Louise: Aw he was scratching at the door, so I let him outside.

Louise's Mom: Well shouldn't you be with him? You know how much of a handful he can be.

Louise: Nah its okay, he always just goes to that big house on Wilson Way and hangs out there all afternoon.

Louise's Mom: I see. Wait, that doesn't have anything to do with those constant answering machine messages I get from some really cranky lady and some British guy with a college vocabulary.

Louise: Could be, who knows?

That's great, though I wonder if the people at Foster's even know Louise's phone number. I'm not sure if Mac even knows it.

I'm pretty sure Mac found Louise purely by chance in Mac Daddy. This is what I think happened.

(Mac is heading to Foster's after school. He sees Louise looking around)

Mac: Excuse me, what are you looking for?

Louise: I'm looking for my friend Cheese. He got out yesterday morning, and I haven't seen him since.

Mac: Is he yellow, about this high (makes gester with his hands), and says that he likes chocolate milk?

Louise: That's him!

Mac: So you created him, I thought I did when I woke up yesterday morning, and he was in my bed and he said "Daddy" to me.

Louise: He gets out sometimes. You know where he is?

Mac: I do! Come on, I'll take you there right now.

(Mac and Louise head to Foster's. When they get there, Mac tells Louise to wait by the door while he goes to find CHeese and Bloo)

Mac: Bloo, where's Cheese?
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