Originally Posted by BabyCharmander
Nice artwork. I have respect for anyone who can somehow draw humans. Even cartoon ones. XD
Wilt as Jareth, though? That's different... I can't see him fitting the part so much since Jareth is such a freak. (Though Wilt does look nice in that pic.  ) Labyrinth is one of my all-time favorite movies though so you're awesome for making the crossover. XB
Ah, Wilt "as" Jareth^^
Actually, I donīt see him as that, either, but I couldnīt find any other character to fit - well, we always can assume that they are cosplaying or something( though would be more difficult to explain how Mac became a baby - or... more exactly, a "Toby" )!
One of my first FHIF fanarts:
Originally Posted by Cassini90125
I liked three of them.
Whatīs the fourth one you didnīt liked, please?