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Old 11-20-2007, 10:36 PM   #10
The real mac.
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i'v been rich, i'v been poor. ill always shop at goodwill. lol

you want my advice? ok, its good to be different. most kids feel like they have to be just like everyone to fit in. if people dont accept you, its for a reason. the dont accept who you are. you dont have to act emo, you dont have to go around singing "soulja boy" lyrics and you for sure dont need drugs. the drugs wont kill you, but the addictions will destroy your life. you'll say "ill never do that" but when all your friends are begging you, then its different. my point is, be yourself. let them wear baggy pants, wear what ever you want. (hang with the nerds trust me)
V come play DDR with me V
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