My favorite Tom & Jerry's tend to be either more violent or more musical than your 10 best:
- Mouse Trouble (1944), which goes so far as to scalp Tom and then have him wear a toupee for the rest of the cartoon (favorite quote: "come up and see me sometime").
- Mouse in Manhattan (1945), a solo effort by Jerry, beautifully scored.
- Tee for Two (1945), with Tom using Jerry as his golf tee. The scene when a swarm of bees dives into Tom's mouth has to be seen to be believed.
- Solid Serenade (1946), for the musical sequence as Tom serenades his girlfriend ("Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby").
- Texas Tom (1950), for the scene where Tom lip-syncs to a record to impress a girl and Jerry starts messing with the speed.
- Fit to be Tied (1952), where Jerry saves Butch the dog and is given a bell so Butch can pummel Tom any time he causes trouble.
- The Missing Mouse of course is classic. "Don't you believe it!"
- Pet Peeve (1954), where Tom and Spike the dog are competing to see who will be allowed to stay in the house by catching Jerry--the ending is just about perfect.
- Timid Tabby (1957), one of the very few times where Tom wins at the end
As for the Chuck Jones Tom & Jerry's, I like
The Mouse from H.U.N.G.E.R., and also
Duel Personality (1966), where Tom and Jerry pull out bigger and bigger weapons to attack each other, eventually concluding they're better off as friends. A good cartoon to put at the end of the list.