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Old 11-08-2007, 03:17 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by koosie View Post
Oh yeh Burroughs was a slave to heroin. Totally messed him up like it does everyone who ends up on it, takes away your pain while eating your life. It'd more likely be coke, crack or crystal meth these days. Sorry about your friend's dad. Same everywhere, some dealer getting rich off people suffering.

The Child Garden is a SF novel about London In I guess about 300 years time where the most significant difference (apart from the climate) is the advances bio-engineering. New structures are grown from coral (the old held up by bamboo) and babies are educated by virus so they're effectively programmed with all the information society thinks they need including behaviour programming. Sadly many of the children are orphans as a botched attempt to cure cancer has halved life expectancy. You'd like it I'm sure, theres a little bit of Zardoz in it as the main character Milena has to read the old books to catch up with what everyone else knows as she's immune to the viruses. It's actually a very nice book, full of love, friendship and flowers, and leaves you feeling very positive.
Shes a very positive and motivated young lady, actually. Shes going to be very succesful at whatever she does. Hard worker, absolutely freaking BRILLIANT as well.

Sounds like a good book, Koos, i'll pick it up
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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