"Crime" is more or less a generalized term in the game; how you interpret it depends on your perception of the character. If Wilt had a high interest in Crime then I might consider getting him into a career in Law Enforcement at some point, while if Bendy had the same level of interest I'd think about involving him in a criminal career.
Interests are normally generated randomly by the game when a Sim is created and are difficult to change; however, I use a game hack to set them myself at the start of play so what the game chooses is irrelevant. The same hack allows me to tamper with other traits that define the characters as well. That's pretty much the point of my post the other day; I have the ability to alter all sorts of stuff in the game, and so I'd like to try to make my Foster's Sims, and the Sailor Scouts for that matter, as much like the originals as possible, and I believe that the best way to do that is to tap into the fanbase for information, opinion, and critique.
Everything is open to review at this point, including the character's ages, who ought to be in the House, Aspirations, which other characters to include in the Valley, all of it, which is why I'd like to hear from as many people as possible, including those who don't normally post in this thread or even read it very often (I'd love to get Craig and Lauren's views on this but I assume they're a little busy). I listen to everyone; it's what I do. Feel free to say something, and let others know that I could use their opinions.