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Old 11-02-2007, 04:38 PM   #10
Foster's Legend
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Cumming GA
Posts: 510

It's a cute little show. It's got a Seussian surrealness in its characters and scenics and some very humorous set pieces, especially in the ep "Schnitzel Makes A Deposit." The by-play of Chowder and Schnitzel may mirror that of SpongeBob and Squidward, but as where SpongeBob's childishness has the Pee-wee Herman id, Chowder's well-meaning but disaster-ridden n�ivete comes from the fact that he's actually a kid. It's a comedy of errors that will hopefully find an audience.
"God forgot to make stupidity painful."
--Ivan Stang (Church of the SubGenius)
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