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Old 11-02-2007, 02:47 AM   #1
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Default The Final Adventure

There is one Adventure left after this set from the October Update. After you finish the "cleaver" adventure, you will be bumped back to any previous updates where you haven't finished doing all those adventures.

In order to get picture #89 you will have to complete all the rest, then you will be taken to the Final Adventure of the game. I just completed it just now and came to see if anyone else had posted on it, and surprisingly, no one had.

I'd really, really hate to ruin it for all of you, but I know there will be those that want to know about it, and those that will spoil it and post about it anyway. So, reluctantly, I will post a little about it in spoilers.

I'm really glad I finally finished the game, even after the fiasco in June with not being able to log in all month, due to that glitch. It was a great overall game and fun. I'm glad they expanded it, but I'm glad it has a conclusion, as well. I think they really did it in a fun and cute way. I'm sorry to those who predicted that the game would continue, but it is in fact over, but it does say that you will have time to finish any mini-games and such you didn't finish before. So it looks like it will be around for a while longer.
Spoiler Below
Bloo's adventure has to do with Mr. Herriman telling him he will be adopted. You go get certain objects to build something to look like Bloo, so the family will adopt it instead. In the end all is well. Immediately following the adventure you are told to go to Mr. Herriman's office. Any further details of the adventure or what happens after, in my opinion, would spoil it, so just be patient and find out for yourself. It's very much worth the wait.
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