Thread: Madame Foster
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Old 10-30-2007, 04:29 AM   #62
Newly Abandoned
If this text is so personal, how come everyone can read it?  
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: England... in Europe... where they don't even speak English!
Posts: 20

Madame Foster's what I would call a 'funky granny'. By that I mean she has the outward appearance of an old dear, but on the inside is a crazy party animal. I think she's a really entertaining character, and while I doubt very many people her age watch the show (you never know though ) I think she would be envied by a lot of senior citizens who look back on their own childhood and wish they could still be as free-spirited and energetic as her.

lol Imagine what the world would be like if everyone her age was actually like her. It'd be so crazy... but also very interesting.
Could I be any more sarcastic?

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