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Old 10-28-2007, 05:51 PM   #6
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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Alien i would definitely consider a horror movie. There are so many elements of extreme fear in that movie, and the down right hideous and freaky design of the alien monsters are easily horror material. Most of the horror classics like Exorcist, The "dead" movies, and Halloween movies I expected to be on here.

For me, the scariest movies i have ever come across would be the American Japanese remake movies. I have seen only 2 pure Japanese horror movies, Pulse and One Missed Call and while they were both very creepy (especially Pulse), being an American I could truly feel the fear from the 2 American remakes.

The Ring in particular. The movie is spectacularly well made, in acting, imagery, and the music (or lack there of hence the CREEP factor). The whole thing with the TV set makes imagining the movie all the more easier to picture it happening in your house. The TV just turning itself on is an easy and eerie thing to imagine.

The Grudge also was so dark and mysterious, how this thing just appeared and took you away to Never, Neverland was disturbing. What made it worse was the fact this ghost was virtually impossible to fight again. Btw, what's wrong with a list thread, haven't there been some made in here before?
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