Thread: Sailor Moon
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Old 10-25-2007, 06:49 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
You know Molly was never a big character and neither was Melvin so the fact they are hooking up actually makes perfect sense. Like you said with Chad not being the brightest, the fact he does such stuff for Raye (aka his heart) certainly matters more. I think that actually matters the absolute most.

There are plenty of people with super model looks and bucket loads of cash in their pockets, but very few of them would be willing to do the stuff Melvin and Chad have done for their girls. Melvin defines nerd but for someone to spend all night at Molly's doorstep in the costume, that's admirable stuff.

Melvin does something similar for Molly in the Doom Tree saga during a Cherry Blossom festival episode. I'm SO glad you enjoyed that cat episode. I thought it was sad but funny to see Luna getting chased by all those cats, especially the little one that bit her tail and tubby old Hercules crushing on her.

hot damn that was so cute! I too loved Zoycite's dealing with the rats, its rare to see bad guys as strong as these put in such weird moments. I hope you enjoyed that classic moment with Mercury, Moon, and Jupiter getting stuck in the alley and Jupiter getting a "peek" at Mercury .

I can't believe they got away with airing that on TV.
You've got to give them credit for dedication; it's not all that common a trait anymore. Molly and Melvin do make a cute couple, too, which isn't something I say very often.

Hercules was great. Who couldn't love a tubby tabby? It struck me as interesting that of the seven great Yoma he was not only the only one that wasn't reincarnated as a human but he was also the only one that didn't try to attack anyone. Maybe a subtle commentary by the writers? The whole episode was fun, though, especially Zoycite's exaspiration about the situation. And he can call Herc an ugly cat all he wants, I thought he was adorable.

Yep, definitely enjoyed the "peek" shot, more than Lita did I suspect. . In truth there are a number of shots like that, visible from the viewer's side of the screen, although most of them go by pretty quickly. The live-action version was much worse in that regard; you were just about guaranteed to get flashed once or twice per episode. I suppose it's the nature of the outfit; it happens during the winter Olympics quite a bit, too.

I don't want to turn this into a Sailor Jupiter appreciation thread, but, well, I had to make this:

Don't think for a moment that Frankie isn't still my first, best choice; she is, and by a very wide margin. But I do think that Lita's earned a tribute or two.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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