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Old 10-25-2007, 11:15 AM   #27
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Vampyre, it's just a very simple and common condition known as... attention whoring

Asperger patients can, indeed, find humor in cruel (doesn't mean they don't UNDERSTAND that it's cruel, but for some that CAN be the case) things, like calling people names. I know, because, I am a very sadistic person (humor-wise). That he blames it on his condition proves that he does INDEED understand what he says and does, he's just grasping for attention. If it was really his Asperger showing its true colors, he wouldn't be using it as an apology

Don't ignore him though, tell him that what he's doing simply isn't something YOU guys are doing and that it's completely different things. That your style is nothing BUT a style, not a disease (like cutting yourself is)
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