There's a kid in my year at school, named Guy, who has it. I don't like him too much, not because of his condition, he's just a horrible person. He kicks you, and he once called my friend an anorexic cow because she wasn't hungry at lunch time one day. I mean, I know that he has Asperger's and all, but what makes it worse, is when you tell him off, he blames it all on his condition, and then starts to make you feel bad about it for yelling at him when it's not his fault. I really don't like him.
He has a very... feminine voice. It's broken, but has this sort of girly twang to it, for lack of a better description. I don't whether that counts as having problems with speech.
He frightens me actually. The girl he called an anorexic cow hangs with me and the rest of the "Emo Kids", and this girl (Rachel) was his friend back in Primary (Elementary) School, and he clings onto her alot, and now me and my other friend, Leah. Thing is, because we don't like him, he thinks that to get us to like, him he needs to be emo. He's started ranting about how he wants to die, he's painted his nails black, and he's even tried slitting his wrists, with the blad from a penicl sharpener. He had a ring of scratches around his wrist after a history lesson one day.
But we don't do that sort of thing, and we find it both annoying and worrying. Sometimes I worry that I've said something wrong and then he, you know, does something worse the scratching his arm with a blunt sharpener...