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Old 10-23-2007, 08:29 PM   #10
Has a PhD in Horribleness
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Originally Posted by WiltsAKGirl17 View Post

Bloo and Cheese-Burgers ( & )

Make hamburger patties as you like them (Medium-well, well-done, etc.). A few minutes before the patties are done, sprinkle each burger with bleu cheese. Let melt, serve immediately as desired.

P.S. I imagine that if you're a vegetarian you could do this with a veggie patty in place of a meat one, but I can't guarantee the results-- I've never tried it.
I've got a suggestion for that one; When I was a kid and it was April Fools day my mom would make homemade hamburgers that she dyed the patties different colours with food colouring! If you're making the patties yourself you could dye them blue for Bloo
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