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Old 10-23-2007, 08:21 PM   #9
WiltsAKGirl17's Avatar
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OK, here's yet another new one:

Eduardo's Dessert Nachos ()
Take a burrito shell and cut into six wedges like a pizza. Deep fry the wedges until golden brown. Remove from grease and place on a paper towel to drain. Before they wedges are completely cool, sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar. Serve with frosting if desired.

I give my dad credit for this one. He made these last night with burritos and they were SOOOOOO good! They're addictive little suckers-- I ate about 7 or eight and finally told my parents, "Don't let me eat any more of these things." We didn't have the frosting, but we thought it would be a nice touch.

P.S. I just noticed that on all of the recipes I've put up, I've had a character smilie. Strange...

Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great. ~ Ratatouille
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