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Old 10-23-2007, 10:30 AM   #14
Settling In
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 60

Which characters you see when you play I believe is totally random. There are times that I've played that the predominant IFs have been, say for example, Uncle Pockets, Goofball John McGee, and the one that looks like a pile of ... garbage (not the word I was going to use). The next time I log on it may be Blake Superior, the Prince (Charming?), and the one that is all eyes (whose owner is a blind kid). And they must all have magic powers because I have left rooms where an IF was only to find the same IF in the hall. There are in fact quite a few IFs that I have not seen in the game. It may not mean that others haven't seen them either, just that by random chance I haven't been lucky enough. Check out this thread to see who you've seen in the game and which ones seem to appear more than others.

For me, I would have to say the IFs that I recall seeing the most number of times have been: Uncle Pockets, the pile of "poo", Creaky Pete, Fluffernutter, Goofball, Fuzzy Fred, Handy, and Oscar.
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