Oh boy, people who play video games, and good games too!
Last game..last game..hrmm. Last one beat or just last one in general? 'Cause I think the last game I beat was Resident Evil 4 on the Wii. By the way, I highly recommend it on the Wii specifically, it just plays so much smoother aiming with the wiimote.
Last games I've played recently, now that's sporadic. Super Metroid and Prime 3 with a dash of Pokemon Diamond thrown in. Aside from that just my usual MMO antics in Final Fantasy XI and Everquest 2.
Originally Posted by Crash-N-Cortex
Pokemon Diamond on my Nintendo DS. I'm been training my special Shelgon, speedy Starmie, and hard-hitter Gallade and I've EV training them. I might challenge all of your guys to a battle. I just need a friend code.
Oh dear, a meta player? We'll have to exchange codes.

Do you have Battle Revolution as well by chance?