I made this to cont the recent awesome of the "What game are you playing now" thread! phrase me mods! I follow the rules!
For those don't know; Psychonauts is an Excellent game made by former LucasArts/LucasFilms Games employee Tim Schafer 's company Double Fine Productions. The game is about this little kid name Raz who has psychic powers and lives/works in a circus. But unlike normal 10 year olds Raz (VO: Richard Horvitz) decides to run away from the circus and goes to a psychic training camp for kids known as Whispering Rock.
Raz makes friends, with many other little psychic children and has fun earning psychic badges allowing him to use more psychic powers until DISASTER STRIKES! And EVIL Dentist is stealing the kid's brain to make psychic powered death tanks to conquer the world! Raz, the only one left in the camp must track the evil dentist down by going into the minds of mad men(/women) before the world is changed forever!~~~
It's on PS2, XBox and PC. You should find a copy now if you haven't played it already... It's the best ever =O
He's my favorite too <3 I loved Sasha Nein and Boyd XD And yeah, Richard owned. Sometimes it really sounded like he was just saying stuff into the microphone and Tim said "We'll use that one!", like in Velvetopia (Edgar Teglee), when you're in the underground bathroom facilities, Raz goes: "This reminds me of college... uh, which is weird, since I'm only ten." XDD
man, I so want Psychonauts merchandise Currently I'm eying the Psychonauts signed PS2 PAL version with Tim Schafer's autograph (honestly, the humor of the product description makes me want it more and more every second)
"Signed by Tim Schafer
If you purchase this product, you agree to allow us to break the cellophane wrapping, and then do to with that cellophane wrapping whatever we want, including just letting it sit on the floor for a week."
A Psychonauts thread you say? XD ... *procastinates*
The quotes says high school but same idea XD
I have the PS2 NTSC XD It's signed by the man himslef too =D
"Subz, you have the insanity of a manatee! - Tim S"
He even has it in a text bubble so Loboto is saying it ^^ And remember if you get him to sign a copy for you, he'll write whatever you want on it!
I have some more Double Fine swag as well ^^ I have the floaty pen and the rare cut scene DVD, both of which came free with my order!
I really have to add some of the shirts to my X-mas list though! Maybe the soundtracks and the cover art poster too ^^